Tag Archives: avi: Lorenna v2

housing exploration

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shibari gardens

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my house

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Took some pictures before i changed the house shape (added more walls)

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anime cafe

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flayon’s birthday & 3d room shrine.. thing

A disclaimer before you witness these images: Please know this was made out of complete respect and dedication for HoloStar’s Machina x Flayon and what he does, and is not meant in anyway to defame or harm him. There is … Continue reading

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kiyori jazz club hangout w Solace

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conejo pride culture summer fes

conejo island hosted a summer pride fest this weekend where you could hang out, participate and overall have some fun in the summer sun I took my friend, Solace, along with me and we got to participate in a fishing … Continue reading

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photo time

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the fun thing about having 2 seperate avis is that you can have silly little photo moments while your checking thru them for things (i.e hanamaki is the avi that owns the house, and i forgot to give fm perms … Continue reading

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fun with lanterns pt 1, GOTHIC CATHEDRAL

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These incredible looking lanturns shown are by Vae Victus! The staff shown is a collaboration by VV and Arkivet! Please check them both out – they have a huge assortment of gothic insoired accessory, AO, and fashion!

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