Author Archives: hanamaki32

pirates of antiquity

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Exploration of the Antiquity Isle sims.

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gallery added

I included my gallery now, the link will be on the left in the menu :3 There are plenty of images I do not make posts for, and don’t really need to make posts for, so I put them in … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 3 photos.

Knights and Armor +Empire Angevin+ Duchy de Val de Griffon, Anjum

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a little bit of whimsy

I guess this will be my first true blogpost here. Hi. Continue reading

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This gallery contains 5 photos.

Shops and Cafes. This entire sim rests at the bottom of a huge castle and is full of classic avatar products. Truly a relic of the times,its a lot of fun to look through :3 Edelweiss, Mont Saint-Michel

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This gallery contains 4 photos.

Coffee and Plants Latte Leaf Cafe @ Starlust Marina, Bartholber

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An assortment of treats. Rosier Mainstore, Forlorn

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This gallery contains 2 photos.

When you cant play mabinogi, just import your stave to SL to cope My Home, Norende

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This gallery contains 2 photos.

Combining Bare Rose outfits to make a completely different one. I like how feathery she is, and with all the flexiprims her outfit just seems to flow B@R – Lerouge Top, Sleeves, Boots and AccessoryB@R – Maara FeathersB@R – Black … Continue reading

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