Monthly Archives: April 2024

This gallery contains 3 photos.

Antiquity Finlandia I think this was the prettiest land out of all the Antiquity Islands. It has this more personal touch, especially that you can see the humans behind it all in the islands pub and tributes to passed members … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 3 photos.

Antiquity ???

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This gallery contains 2 photos.

Antiquity Dominica

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pirates of antiquity

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Exploration of the Antiquity Isle sims.

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gallery added

I included my gallery now, the link will be on the left in the menu :3 There are plenty of images I do not make posts for, and don’t really need to make posts for, so I put them in … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 3 photos.

Knights and Armor +Empire Angevin+ Duchy de Val de Griffon, Anjum

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a little bit of whimsy

I guess this will be my first true blogpost here. Hi. Continue reading

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This gallery contains 5 photos.

Shops and Cafes. This entire sim rests at the bottom of a huge castle and is full of classic avatar products. Truly a relic of the times,its a lot of fun to look through :3 Edelweiss, Mont Saint-Michel

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This gallery contains 4 photos.

Coffee and Plants Latte Leaf Cafe @ Starlust Marina, Bartholber

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